Integrated Campaign Creative
Shawn created a series of print and social media advertisements to challenge the ‘Do-It-Yourselfer’ perspective on the value of pre-painted moulding and doors. The objective was to differentiate pre-painted from just primed so customers could see the benefit and understand the added cost.

“Shawn is remarkable - I have worked with few designers who are as low maintenance as he is. He quickly interprets the scope of work and always delivers quality, results-oriented marketing materials.”
David Steeno
Marketing Manager

Merchandising & Product Packaging
As part of this integrated campaign, Shawn was tasked with designing ‘aisle violators’ and other in-store merchandising, as well as the physical product packaging. Continuing to communicate that these products are not just primed, they are pre-painted. We sourced images of messy painting projects and included them on the actual packaging as a reminder of what not to do. And that’s paint.

We work to define your genuine value proposition, which serves as the foundation for all other marketing efforts. This ensures customers can easily understand why they should choose you.
• Graphic Design and Identities
• Brand Strategy and Positioning
• Digital Experiences
• Advertising
• Marketing Communications
• Product Packaging

S H A W N ' S P O R T F O L I O