Architecturally Inspired Product
Line Catalogue
With the help of outside agencies, Shawn and the internal team were tasked with designing and developing a new product line of architecturally inspired moulding and door collections. This sub-brand focuses on the high-end consumer looking for a much more custom-looking interior space.

“Shawn brings a positive energy to any team he is on, and his attitude and approach lifts others around him.”
Christian MacDonald
Vice-President, Marketing

Publication Specific Advertising
The Finishing Collections are made up of several different architectural design styles, so Shawn knew the advertising layout structure needed to be flexible to support any style. Depending on the audience, Shawn designed different types of advertisements. You may have seen these ads if you are a fan of AZURE or House and Homes magazine.

Brand engagement involves putting the consumer at the centre of your marketing activities. We help get our customers to the next level by creating integrated advertising campaigns and communication material tailored to your target demographic.
•  Graphic Design and Identities
•  Brand Strategy and Positioning
•  Product Packaging
•  Digital Experiences
•  Advertising
•  Marketing Communications

S H A W N ' S Â P O R T F O L I O